Participate in the Gottman Outcome Study

The Gottman Institute is recruiting participants for their International Outcome Study. If you are considering couples counseling, you might qualify to participate and contribute to the science of couples counseling.

The Gottman Institute is seeking couples to participate in an international outcome study on Gottman Method Couples Therapy. Your participation in this study will not only help your relationship, it will also help us understand what couples are experiencing today in our COVID-19 world and what helps couples cultivate a healthier relationship in couples therapy.

Do you qualify for the study?

  • Couples must be presenting for couples therapy

  • Couples must be married or in a committed relationship

  • Couples have not worked with a Certified Gottman Therapist before

  • Couples must not be actively participating in couples therapy with another therapist at the time of applying

  • Each individual must not be attending their own individual therapy or counseling. If you are, you must be willing

    to cease services prior to starting to work with your couples therapist for the duration of your participation in the study.  

In deciding to participate in this study, you agree to the following:

  • In light of COVID-19 and social distancing, you are likely to be paired with a Certified Gottman Therapist that is offering

    teletherapy only. In-person therapy services will depend on location and therapist availability**

  • You will be randomly assigned to either:

    • An immediate treatment group

    • Or a 3-week waitlist group (this timeframe is 3 weeks after both partners complete an online assessment).

      For this group, you will be given Gottman assessments to complete while you wait for your first session.

  • You agree to repeat Gottman Connect assessment questionnaires at 3 time points during the study. These assessments

    will be provided to you at no additional cost**

  • Every fourth therapy session, you will be asked to fill out a quick (5 minute) survey about your experience in therapy

    that only the research team will see.

Cost and Compensation:

As compensation, couples will meet with a Certified Gottman Therapist and receive access to the new Gottman Connect assessment and an interpretation of the results that your therapist will go over with you. This is an average savings of $450 (Therapist’s standard session rates still apply and limited space is available - Please see Couples Counseling for information about rates). 

Additionally, you will receive a $100 Visa gift card ($50 per partner) after the final 6-month follow-up assessment is filled out.

If you have more questions about the study, please contact the Gottman Institute at