Tatiana Matyukhin, LCPC, LMFT, Certified Gottman Therapist, 7Principles Workshop Leader

Discover the secrets to a long-lasting and fulfilling marriage.

Sign up now and join me on this exciting and intriguing journey!

What’s in the Workshop?

The 7 Principles workshop is experiential. You will learn about the 7 principles and apply them to your relationship in real-time.

Each principle will be covered as follows:

  • Short lecture with videos and demonstrations.

  • Demonstration of an exercise that illustrates the principle.

  • Each couple will be directed to a breakout room for privacy during exercises. I will be sure to join you if you need my help with any exercises.

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What are the Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work?

Based on Dr. John Gottman’s research, the seven principles outline crucial guidelines for nurturing a fulfilling and happy intimate relationship..

Benefits of an Online Workshop

  • 7 Principles for Making Marriage Work is an experiential workshop. During the workshop, you and your partner will be prompted to engage in conversations to experience the 7 Principles in real life.

  • An online setting will give you privacy so that you can fully immerse yourself in the exercises and not be distracted by other couples’ conversations.

  • Each couple will be taken to a private breakout room. I will join you privately if you need help with completing the exercise.


  • The Seven Principles Couples Program is appropriate for couples contemplating engagement, pre-marital couples, couples living together, and couples who have been together or married for decades.

    Psycho-educational classes are NOT appropriate for all couples, including those with severe relationship distress, significant emotional or physical abuse, serious emotional or mental health problems, relationships where one or both partners are actively addicted to drugs or alcohol, and relationships with serious compulsive behavior with gambling, sexual acting out, and other disruptive behaviors.

  • No. The class does not include sharing problems or issues publicly. Couples Exercises are done privately.

  • Since the class involves couples doing exercises together, both partners must participate. If the class is offered over a period of time and one partner must miss a particular class meeting, then the other partner is encouraged to attend the lecture portion of the class. He or she may use the Couples Exercise time to do part of the exercises and then do the full exercise with their partner later. They may also use exercise time to read the Seven Principles book

  • Yes, still come to the class. While the book provides very valuable information, the class lectures will summarize the content of the book. Each person will need a Couples Guide, however, to do the Couples Exercises efficiently

  • The class will involve doing some of the exercises from the book so doing them first at home would duplicate some of them. In some cases, the directions for doing the exer-cises in class have been revised and updated from those presented in the Seven Principlesbook. The Leaders also role-play how to – and how not to – do some of the exercises in order to help participants get the most out of each exercise. There are some exercises in the book that the class will not have time to do, and couples are encouraged to do them at home after that chapter has been covered in class.