Our Services for Pre-Marital Couples

A woman and a man sit ona couch and look at each other  while smiling

Pre-Marital Counseling

  • Pre-marital counseling is a short-term service (9 to 12 sessions)

  • $1810 - 9 weeks

    $2365 - 12 weeks

A young couple sit on a couch, smile, look on the screen of a laptop and wave

Workshops for Pre-Marital Couples

  • 2-Day workshop: the 7 Principles for Making Marriage Work

    Saturday 9:30 am - 4:30 pm

    Sunday 9:30 am - 4:30 pm

  • $450/couple (digital materials included)

A young couple sit in the office of a therapist, smile and hold hands

Weekend Intensive for Pre-Marital Couples

  • The weekend intensive is 16 hours long

    Friday: 6 pm - 8 pm

    Saturday: 9:30 am - 4:30 pm

    Sunday: 9:30 am - 4:30 pm

  • $5000

Build a Strong Foundation for a Lifelong Journey

Build a Strong Foundation for a Lifelong Journey

Embark on Pre-Marital Counseling tailored for newly committed couples aiming to cultivate a fulfilling and enduring relationship.

What to Expect in Pre-Marital Counseling?

In pre-marital counseling, we will carefully examine both your current dynamics and potential differences between you and your partner. While these disparities may not currently induce stress, based on my experience as a couples counselor, I've observed that many initial tensions can evolve into significant conflicts later in life.

It's important to recognize that partners' differences are not inherently the cause of marital failure. Rather, it's how partners navigate these differences—with openness, respect, compassion, and understanding—that distinguishes happy couples from those facing significant distress.

During our sessions, we will delve into your individual histories, backgrounds, and areas of disagreement. Together, we will craft a personalized action plan—a blueprint for your life together. Through a series of guided conversations, I will provide you with the necessary tools and a roadmap for effective communication and fostering connections.

Ultimately, the aim of pre-marital counseling is to initiate crucial conversations that lay the foundation for healthy relationship rituals. Armed with these tools, you'll be equipped to tackle any challenges that arise in your marriage, ensuring a strong and resilient partnership.

Begin your journey in pre-marital counseling and acquire essential tools to foster love, affection, intimacy, and mutual respect.

As a Certified Gottman Therapist, I use The Sound Relationship House in my work with pre-marital couples. It was developed by Drs. John and Julie Gottman and outlines a comprehensive framework for understanding and improving relationships.

One of the many benefits of the Sound Relationship House is Prevention. The model can be used both proactively, to prevent relationship problems before they occur, and reactively, to address existing issues and improve relationship satisfaction.

While the model provides a structured framework, it can also be customized to meet the unique needs and circumstances of each couple.

Workshops for Pre-Marital Couples: “7 Principles for Making Marriage Work”

Join me and become a master of your marriage!

I encourage pre-marital couples to read The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work" by Dr. John Gottman. It outlines key strategies for building and maintaining a healthy and fulfilling marriage.

During pre-marital counseling and our workshops, you will not only learn but also apply practical strategies. These strategies are designed to strengthen various aspects of your relationship, providing you with tangible tools for your journey together.

  1. Understanding Your Partner: Deeply know your partner's inner world, likes, dislikes, fears, and dreams, and continuously update this knowledge.

  2. Cultivating Fondness and Admiration: Foster a culture of appreciation and respect by focusing on your partner's positive qualities and expressing admiration regularly.

  3. Responding to Bids for Connection: Pay attention to your partner's attempts to connect and respond with interest, affection, and support.

  4. Valuing Each Other's Perspective: Respect and accept your partner's opinions and influence, and be open to compromise and negotiation.

  5. Effective Conflict Resolution: Address solvable problems using effective communication and problem-solving techniques while prioritizing mutual satisfaction.

  6. Navigating Complex Issues: Recognize and address persistent conflicts by understanding underlying emotions and seeking compromise and common ground.

  7. Creating Shared Meaning: Establish a shared sense of purpose, rituals, and values to strengthen your connection and sense of partnership.

These principles will provide you and your partner a roadmap to enhance your relationship and foster long-term happiness and fulfillment.